For those with the deeper look

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10. Februar 2018 durch kisser

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sang the “On My Own” climax the best? (C5)

It is an amazing singer gallery of the Who is Who of Eponine actors. For me Samantha Barks is so cute and performing so good (but I never saw her live in West End because we were too late in London). But some good singers are missing. All those very good and no English tracks (German version, Austrian version, Hungarien version, Israeli version, the Dutch version, the original French version, etc.) are missing. I remember a very good performance of the late 80th on my Laserdisc of the making of Les Mis (“Stage by Stage” from 1988 which is now round about 28 years old). It’s Linzi Hateley (the first performance of this YouTube video) Nevertheless “On my own” is such a gorgeous title which is worth to hear in different interpretations and from different performer.

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